Table des matières


Product Owner

A product owner is a member of the scrum team, he is accountable of the end product.

another list of who should be product owner

What a product owner do

Interact with Stakeholdes Provides feedback to the dev team and answer questions about the product Work with Dev team to refine the product Backlog Negociate with the Dev Team the Sprint Goal. (The dev craft the sprint goal) Explain to Stakehoders which product Backlog Items have bee done or not

Passion and vision. The product owner does not have to feed PBI to the dev team but to make sure the team understand the vision and choose the right PBI

Produckt Owner should know the ristk - Business risk : can we building the right thing - Social risk : can people build it - Technical risk : is it the right platforme ? - Cost and schedule risk. We don't know how much it will cost.

He decides

Il doit mesurer l'importances des demandes des clients et parfois dire non. C'est lui qui décide ce qui doit aller dans le Product Backlog ou pas (pas tout de suite)

Il va donc évaluer (donner une valeur aux stories en fontion du retour sur investissement) pour déterminer si on garde l'item ou pas.

Il doit aussi dire non aux développeurs si il comprend que ce qui va être développer s'éloigne trop de ce qui est demandé. Mais il doit quand même laisser les Dev expérimenter des nouvelles choses.

He should have good relationship with The team and the stakehoder. It involves Leadership, Friendliness, Persuasion and communication

How to optimize value

It must match User needs, the business goals and the technical constraints - Compétitive Research - Customer Feedback - Product Vision - Forcasting and Feasibility

What is a Product Backlog Item (PBI - independant (should be self contained) - Negotiable (can always be changed and rewritten) - Valuable (must have a value to the end user) - Estimable (size and effort) - Small (to plan, prioritize and realize during a spint - Testable (must meet the definition of done)

The product owner order the PBI - Importance to customers - Alignement with business Strategy - Alignment dependencies with other PBI.

He compare the value and the price.

Value = Knowledge value + custormer value Connaissance est une valeur on sait si on va faire vite ou non - La valeur client : est-ce important pour le client.

Are we working on lorg term or short term. We need to find the ballance between the 3 aspects : Build the right thing (the need : product owner) - The thing right (the best : Dev) - Build it fast. (cheap : scrum master)

Ballance between new product and old product improvement. Au début on va réduire les risques en se concentrant sur des choses qui permettent d'avoir plus de connaissance par exemple en créant un prototype ou une manquette.

The Kano Model

La satisfaction du client a différent niveaux * Must be : Needed. These attribute are taken for granted. Satisfied if existed but if not exists dissatisfaction * One dimensional : satisfaction when fulfilled dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. * Attractive : satisfaction if exists but do not cause dissatisfaction if not exists. because not expected * indifferent : If exists or not do not affect satisfaction or dissatisfaction * reverse : if these attribute exists dissatisfaction. Ex some customer do not like high tech product but simple product.


Idea > Vison board > Go Roadmap (product Goal, mectics dates)

(statement - Target group - Needs - product - Value)

new product in 5 steps

  1. Name - Goald - Metrics
  2. personas characterizing
  3. Important aspects of the product. description of product functionality
  4. Mockup : user interface, design, storyboard to illustrate user interaction
  5. Goal for the next sprint


burn up chart : output - time Graphic that show how much work has been done over time and optimistic and pessimistic trade line.

We can deliver this things at a date and the rest later.

Product Backlog

Product Backlog refinement


it is *NOT* acceptable for the PO to attempt to proxy or outsource their PO Scrum Team duties, especially the Scrum Team facing duties. –> Pas de sous traitance

learning and training